Thursday, September 06, 2012

Green green, the ivy twines…

…’round my sorority.

Okay! I will admit it. I was a sorority girl and I loved it. Lately I have been feeling nostalgic, so here is a post to get it out of my system.

It is recruitment season and one of my favorite things about Greek Life was rush. I know I am kind of alone out here. Most people hate rush. It requires time and practices and planning.

The reason I loved rush so much is because it was time that all of my sisters were spending together! At rush practice we would have our moments to goof-off and socialize. It was fantastic quality time that forced sisterly bonding.

I loved rush so much that I decided to be in-charge my senior year. Well, they actually elected me to be in charge… sooo that’s tight. I'm awesome. Don't worry about it.

Here are a couple of the annual group shots that were taken after welcoming in our new members:

This was so many years ago!! I am too old to be writing about this.

My favorite things about sorority are probably unique. It wasn’t about the events, but instead about getting ready. I liked the quality time and preparation more than actually going. That stood true for recruitment, parties and really anything else! Call me a loser.

My class within the sorority was a lot of fun and one of my favorite traditions was strictly with them. We always went to dinner together after Pref. and no matter what was going on in our personal lives, that dinner was always filled with uncontrollable laughter. We were either really funny or really tired. Probably tired... It was the last day of recruitment after all.

The Pledge Class of '05

It is always fun to re-unite as your friends make big life changes too. The weddings have begun… How long until babies are in the mix!?

My preference (pun!) for preparation and pre-function stands true today. In regard to holidays, birthdays and even weddings! I usually enjoy the day spent planning, primping, cooking and bonding more than the event that follows.

Am I the only one who prefers the pre-party? There can be cocktails! Anyone?

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Let's savor summer and September.

It is not fall. Why is everyone talking about fall? I have not smelled the crisp air, I am not pulling out my layers yet, and I am not about to order a pumpkin spice latte. I was wearing shorts yesterday!

It is still 80 degrees every day!!! Are you people out of your minds? Yes, school is starting and it is almost time for transitional clothing. Key word: ALMOST.

Seriously people. I am still working on my tan. It is always at least a couple weeks into September when the transition happens. You will know because mornings will be crispy, it actually smells like fall and a few trees will begin to turn pre-maturely. Be prepared, but not overzealous. Start planning your fun fall outfits and seasonal coffee order, I know I have. But do not abandon your dresses and iced beverages just yet. If you do, you will be sweltering and uncomfortable.

Don’t get me wrong, I am stoked! I LOVE fall. It is my favorite season and September is my favorite month. So don’t ruin it for me by rushing into November. Let fall come naturally and on its own time. I want to savor every moment.

… while wearing my new suede booties when it is the appropriate temperature.

One more question. Does all this “back to school” talk make anyone else wish they were getting on the Hogwarts Express!? Nope. Just me? Cool.

If you are serious about leaving summer behind. Here are posts from last year about Back to School and the Fall season.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Get your armor.

I hope you started singing Jordan Sparks after reading that title! I do realize that probably a majority of you never understand my obscure pop-culture references. Meh. We carry on.

I guess there is a need to follow-up after my last post. How do I stay confident doing things alone? Glad you asked! Well, it is super shallow.

When I show up to events alone or just need some extra confidence for the day, I try to make sure I am feeling sassy and put together. How do I do this?

Step 1: Lipstick (My summer color is called Love Test)
Step 2: Freshly painted nails

Seriously, if I am wearing lipstick I feel unstoppable. The same goes for freshly painted nails. My outfit feels complete and I feel like I can do anything!

I have been wearing Love Test a lot this summer. Last fall and winter I rocked a berry shade. It of course depends on your skin tone. Go to Sephora and try before you buy!

If it is not a time where I feel like I need extra confidence. Like going to the store or errands or really any time it isn’t a date night… I am just in yoga pants (not that I do yoga. I find yoga super boring). I do things alone dressed scrubby all the time. But if there is insecurity accompanying your alone time, try to be put together and don't forget your armor!... aka lipstick.

How do the rest of you embrace your singledom? Is lipstick one of your weapons too?

My final pieces of advice are to not take yourself so seriously:

"Learn to laugh at yourself more freely. Don't take yourself or your circumstances so seriously. Relax and know that I am God with you. When you desire My will above all else, life becomes much less threatening. Stop trying to monitor My responsibilities--things that are beyond your control. Find freedom in accepting the boundaries of your domain." -Jesus Calling

And spend time with people who build you up! Even if they live far away.

Just hanging out with my peeps.

Happy Labor day weekend friends!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Table for one.

As a single 20-something I do a lot of things alone.

This past weekend I was alone for most of the weekend. Not like in a weird or depressing way, just alone. Not to be confused with lonely.

My friends were busy or out of town, my parents were in Black Butte, my sister was running Hood to Coast. This all added up to me spending the weekend alone.  This is something I have grown accustomed to. Don’t get all depressed for me. I'm not sad about it or anything, I just wanted to share my experience in case anyone is having a similar one.

I used to always have someone with me. I wouldn’t do anything alone. Seriously nothing. During college I went to the grocery store with roommates. I never got a pedicure alone. Even if I was just running to grab a coffee, someone would join the party.

Here is an example of the co-dependence I had in college. These are my friends napping at my house as I got ready for my sorority formal. They were simply there to keep me company as I primped:

Lauren and Marina keeping me company (circa '09)

These days I go it alone more often than not. Part of it is that I don’t live with 4 other girls anymore! Also, I have a full-time job and I am not in a relationship.

And to be honest, I have kind of enjoyed this transition and time in my life. I like going to coffee, contributing to the community crossword and lingering there for a bit to people watch. I like the independence and have learned to embrace the alone time.

I am of course saying these things in a Destiny’s Child ‘Independent Woman’ moment. Call me in a month when I am desperate for a relationship and I’ll eat these words while wallowing on my personal island of loneliness.

I have yet to eat at a sit down restaurant alone. But when I do, I will be sure to let you know. I mean, I have eaten at a restaurant where you order at the counter and say “for here.” But I haven’t done the menu at the table with a cloth tablecloth thing alone.  Do people do that? Or is that reserved for the fancy confident single ladies of Sex and The City and Nicholas Sparks novels?

For now I leave you with this:

Monday, August 27, 2012

Laziest of weekends.

This weekend was amazing. I literally had zero plans. Well, that’s a lie. I had a few plans on Sunday, but mostly I was totally free to do what I wanted!

I did laundry and watched Netflix on Friday. I know it sounds lame, but it was completely therapeutic.

On Saturday I went to Zumba, grabbed coffee and effectively spent the afternoon at my parent’s golf club pool. It is official; someday I will lead a dance on the stage at Zumba class. I have to. It is now a goal. If only I had the guts. Oh, and I will also have a rockin’ mom bod like all of the ladies at the pool. Psych! I haven’t had kids and they look way better than me. So… I guess I’ll let that one go.

Sunday I made it to the blogger meet-up! Barely. I was literally there for 30min of the 3 hour event. I am the worst. All of the PDX bloggers who helped did a really great job putting it all together! Snaps to Jenni for taking on the planning of these events! I started thinking about it as I talked to Sam. I have met both her and Jenni in real life ONE TIME! Yet we greeted each other like we are old friends. Why? Well, we read each others blogs! Shouldn't it be weird? Somehow it isn't.

I am not very good at the blog meet-ups… due to not being a serious blogger and being as awkward as I am. I like blogging, I just don’t have very many readers. So when I go to stuff like this I sorta feel like a wannabe. But you know what!? That is just lame and insecure and I didn’t start this blog to feel validated by strangers. So whatevs.

Check out the cute party favor and the earrings I won from the meet-up!

Notebook by Jenni and earrings by Dijana Designs

Oh, and am I the only one who benefited from the outrageously awesome line-up ABC Family had going this weekend? Not that I watched TV all weekend… but Stepmom, My Best Friends Wedding, The Notebook… just to name a few! Their programming was dominating my TV.

Hope your weekends were fab!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Who’s your daddy?

I read a lot of celebrity gossip and celebrity gossip blogs. I am not proud of it. It is simply a fact about me.

One thing that is driving me particularly crazy is the still unknown paternity of Xander Jones. WTF is up with that!? How are bloggers and entertainment news sources not asking this? I mean, at least post some possible daddy pics with pictures of the baby! We want to continue to speculate!

Maybe I am a crazy person. Obviously this is none of my business… but I just want to know. Okay, truth time. I love Jason Sudeikis. I really do. And I will be super disappointed if he is the baby daddy and denied paternity. That is my real concern. I like him and don’t want him to be a dead-beat dad.

Unfortunately, it is not looking good for funny guy Jason. Check out this photo of January and Xander. Is it just me or is that little babe looking extra sudeikisy as of late?

Right!? Come on January, tell us who it is! Because if loving Jason is wrong, we really don’t want to be right.

I know, super classy to put this after my Nicaragua post. Whatever.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

To Nicaragua and back.

As you know, I recently went on a mission trip to Managua, Nicaragua. Last summer I had an opportunity to go with a team from TX. Click here to read about that experience and get a bit of background info.

Anyway, this trip was super unique because it was not a “typical team.” Not only was it a women’s team, but it was also an individual team. Meaning that our group did not know each other in advance! We all met for the first time at the airport in Managua. Well, some of us met in Houston, but still. You get it.

It was an AMAZING experience. We were thrown into a situation where we needed to completely trust God and trust each other. Talk about bonding and making new friends fast!

The team

In Managua we serve in the city dump. There is an entire community within the city dump, La Chureca. Forward Edge has built a home for girls called Villa Esperanza. This home is a safe haven for girls God has rescued from the Dump through FEI. In La Chureca teenage girls are at risk. They are threatened by the garbage truck drivers, abuse, drug use etc. Many parents sell their daughters as young as 12 and 13 into prostitution either for money or for the first pick of garbage.

This team not only served women and children from La Chureca, but from other communities as well. Time was spent sharing stories, praying and pouring into each other.  We spent time at Villa Esperanza, a “new dump” in an area called Tipitapa, as well as at the children’s hospital.

This truly was a heart changing experience. Whether the team was bonding with those who are living in La Chureca or praying with the parents who have children in the hospital, relationships were built and time was dedicated to laughing, hugging and praying.

So many people think of mission trips and their minds automatically jump to “building something.” Well, we did just that. We built relationships. That was the mission, to share love, joy and Jesus.

This trip was extra special because I was there with my mom! It was beyond amazing to have my mom on this team. She was certainly out of her comfort zone, and it was incredible to watch her completely trust the Lord. She fully broke through any hesitations she may have had and she went for it! Her story isn’t mine to tell, so you should ask her about the experience yourself!

Here are some photos of the trip:

Manis, pedis and bracelet making at The Villa

My mom and Jane. Jane is like a second mother to me! You can imagine how special it was to have her there too. Not to make them sound old… but they have been friends for 40 years!

Playing with kids from La Chureca

Yard work at the Children's Hospital

Praying for the director of the Children's Hospital

My girls Kenia and Luisa. I love them so much! It has been a gift to see them change since they first started living at The Villa. The first time I met Luisa she wouldn't talk to anyone, now she doesn't hesitate to share how God has changed her heart. These girls and I DANCED! We danced and danced. They are my sisters. 

Kenia on the left, Luisa on the right

Perla and my mom dancing

If you read the post from last year, you will read about Perla. The day after we got there I was sitting by her at church and I told her that my mom was on this team. During the week, It became clear to me that she wanted to seek out my mom to show her love!  

If you have any questions about FEI, Managua or how to look so sweaty and haggard do not hesitate to ask!