Showing posts with label Weekends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weekends. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Mishmash weekends: April

These past couple weekends have been super fun filled. Last weekend I went north to visit my grandparents and see my friend Jenna’s beautiful baby boy. This past weekend I went out to The Canyon at Washington Family Ranch for discipleship weekend. Let’s please just take note of how annoying the name change of Wildhorse Canyon has been. Yes, the Washington family rocks our socks and donated a lot of money to revolutionize what it means to go to Young Life camp, but I struggle. I assumed it would be an easier transition… like when someone gets married. Eventually it is easy to call them by their new last name. But Washington Family Ranch doesn't quite roll off the tongue. I guess it will just take a little more time… even though it has already been a few years…

Weekend numero uno:
Visiting Jenna was so wonderful. My sister, Jenna, our friend Sarah and I all spent the entire afternoon gabbing, gossiping, laughing and fawning over baby Jackson. He is seriously an angel baby. We were there for four-ish hours and he didn’t cry once!

Mama and baby

Sister and perfect baby Jackson

Weekend numero dos:
Being at WFR is always special. It is truly a peaceful place where you can feel God’s presence. Not only did I have fun, but it was a weekend about discipleship. Each talk and seminar had something practical to offer. I felt like I left with more than just a challenge or broader understanding (which is how I commonly feel after a sermon), but also with practical things that I can put into action right away. Things that will help me grow in my relationship with Jesus and love the people in my life better. It was a worth while weekend.

…and we laughed a lot!

With my gurl Nicole. Fun fact: she loves Whitney Port. 

All the ladies. I have no idea how this picture turned out so awesome! 

April weekends are killing it! 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Mishmash moments: Birthday and Easter

My birthday and Easter overlapped this year. This rarely happens! The last time I can remember this happening was sometime during elementary school. It makes things quite easy. My family only has to get together once and friends were in from out of town. 'twas kickin.

The Mish:
Like I mentioned before, this past weekend was awesome. I have always wanted to try Paley’s Place, so a few of my friends accompanied me there for a little b-day celebration. It was delicious!!! Seriously amazing. I had Dungeness crab risotto. I feel like I don’t need to say anything other than that. DUNGENESS CRAB RISOTTO!!

The day whole day was splendid. Went to the chiropractor, met my sister for lunch, got my hair did at the Blowout Bar in the Pearl, ate awesome food and had awesome drinks. PLUS I got to spend the evening laughing with some of my favorite people.

The Mash:
Sunday was Easter and I made Lemon Meringue pie. I make it every year. I love how tart and delish it is. Everyone who knows me will tell you that I prefer super rich chocolate over fruit desserts. It is true. I will always go with chocolate. But Lemon pie is the perfect Easter dessert.

On a totally different note...
You guys! Tonight LC is going to be in Portland. Yes, LC (as in Lauren Conrad). She will be here for a book signing. I really don't want to buy her book at all. I tried to get through her first one... but as soon as I realized it was about a girl who moves to LA and gets on a reality TV show I was done. I figure I will need to buy her new book though. I think that is the deal with book signings. Okay, truth time. The real reason I am excited is because I want to see what she wears! Oh em gee... what should I wear!? 

Monday, April 09, 2012

Ellen’s Dance Dare: Portland Edition

Hi everyone. First I will say that today is my birthday. Yes, I am 25 years old and I had the BEST weekend celebrating. There were some gatherings, great brunch (review to follow), Easter, the Masters… the list goes on and on. Can you believe I got super into the Masters this year? I haven’t like golf this much since before Tiger was outed as a perv.

One of my weekend highlights was a lovely walk on the waterfront Saturday afternoon. Not only was it beautiful out, but Marina and I decided to take the opportunity to film for our Ellen’s Dance Dare Challenge video. You may be asking yourself “What is the Dance Dare Challenge?” Well my friend, it is a HIGH-LARIOUS challenge Ellen has presented to her viewers. Clicky click to learn more.

Marina and I have been discussing doing this for a while and this weekend the perfect opportunity was thrown at us as we were walking on the waterfront. I then took the liberty to do some editing, added some musica… and voila!

Here is the final product, as well as some photos of the day. Enjoy!

I hope you all had happy Easters!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Weekend Update

...No, not with Tina Fey. Although, that would be cool. And it is Tuesday... but whatevs. I am going to update you on the happenings of this past weekend.

This weekend turned out just perfect. Somehow I fit in shopping, skiing, laundry and working out. It was a miracle!

On my shopping trip there were some killer finds! I recommend you all take a trip to H&M shortly. I got this (in light turquoise and white) and these (in coral). No, I didn’t buy the pants in England, but the US Website didn’t have them listed. Anyway, stoked about my new clothes! Yayer! Also, two different people complimented my leopard print Claire's earrings. And one of them asked if they were Betsey Johnson! Haha! Uh... no, they were part of a 'buy one, get one' deal! Niiiice!

With Mama Jo while shopping with Sista Friend.

In case you were wondering, my mom is an animal on the mountain. She takes it easy when my dad is around, but this weekend she was game to go down a double black diamond with at least 6 inches of fresh powder! She is a bad ass. I am not going to lie… we both struggled a bit. We are used to sticking to the groomed runs. They can be steep and we manage just fine, but it is rare that either of us will navigate deep powder like that. We had a lot of fun though! We goofed around, got lost, ate donuts from Joe’s etc. All of the important Mt. Hood rituals.

It was a fantastic and rejuvenating weekend.

Oh, and happy first day of spring!

Friday, March 16, 2012

The weekend is upon us.

Doesn't my title even sound tired? Ugh.

Today is Friday and I could not be more excited. This week has been a major struggle for me. I seriously could not bounce back from the slight time change. I continuously went to bed late… so annoying. But what is one more episode of Parks and Rec. while lying in bed?! I could complain about “springing forward” for hours. But in reality, I love that it is light out when I get home from work!

Last night was a great roommate evening for Libby and me. We went to our fav mexi spot, Chez Jose, and then we watched J.Biebs Never Say Never. If you even say that you don’t think his songs are catchy and awesome to car dance to, you are seriously deceiving yourself. Libby has been resisting the awesomeness of what it means to belieb. Therefore, it was necessary to show her how talented the kid is. Yes, he still kind of looks like a girl… but so do all little boys! He will grow up eventually. Plus, I wasn’t asking her to become a creepy prowler of children! (Although, Justin Bieber is 18 now… so I guess it is okay Lib)  I just needed her to recognize how awesome he is.

Well, I hope you guys are all ramped up for an awesome weekend. I am planning to spend mine either at Nordstrom or the mountain. My 2 favorite things, shopping and skiing… how do I decide?! It’s like Sophie’s choice.

I hope you all have wonderful St. Patrick’s Days! Enjoy some corned beef and green beer. I know I will!


Friday, March 09, 2012

Escapades on the Eastbank Esplanade.

On Sunday Marina, Libby and I walked the Eastbank Esplanade. It was a beautiful day. Lots of bikers, lots of runners and lots of laughter.

There isn't much else to say. I love Portland.

Take advantage of one of these sunny days! You won't regret it.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Hello 2012!

Happy 2012! Isn't this year just too crazy already? It is for me. Cheer season is in full swing. My girls are awesome and I am excited to spend my Saturdays for the next month and a half watching them perform the crap out of their routine.

For the holiday weekend I went to Seattle to spend some awesome quality time with the friends of mine who have relocated north since graduating. I am like the Michelle Duggar of friends who move to Seattle. 4 and counting…

Seattle was fantastic per usual. We got glittery for NYE and watched the fireworks from Cameron’s balcony. She seriously has the BEST view of the space needle. It was AMAZING! The rest of the weekend was filled with drinking, eating, going on walks, hanging out, cuddling and then some more eating.

Lindsay and Caitlin were ready to ring in the new year!

Grandma's coat finally got some wear. 

Marina is sassy.

Check out the view from Cameron's Balcony! Amazing.

Crazy eyes? Maybe they were smizing like Tyra.

Cameron and Justin kill it on the dance floor. 

Back to the apt for fireworks!! 

Happy 2012!

No New Years kiss this year. Crossing my fingers for 2013! 

Friday, December 23, 2011

Leavenworth or bust!

This past weekend I traveled north to Seattle to meet up with a few of my fav ladies and we went over to Leavenworth, WA. It was a Bavarian wonderland!

You may be wondering the same things I was: Why is it called Bavarian? It looks pretty dang German to me! What the H is Bavaria?

Well, let me tell you! It is a region of southeastern Germany. But from what I observed in Leavenworth’s version, there is also a little bit of Scandinavian tradition hanging around. I don’t know if my family is confused or if the Bavarian village is confused. Really, I just think the shops carry inventory to appeal to all travelers.

We had a delightful time. Gluwein, brats, fudge and lots of laughter, how can you go wrong!? Plus we were all bundled in our coziest winter attire.

Here are some photos of us being Bavarian this past weekend:

Such a cute little town! 

Father Christmas is not the same as Santa... and quite possibly cooler! He wears a wreath and has a satchel.  Pretty cool! 

Our poor friends. We are probably embarrassing to be with!

Have a great weekend everyone. Merry Christmas!!