Okay, I had too much fun doing this last week, so I'm doing it again! No elaborate photo participation this time, but please prepare yourself for the weekend by enjoying this jam.
Today I am contributing Big Tymers, Still Fly. Enjoy the journey back to 2002!
Every time something weird happens to me I assume I am going to be on Ellen.
For example:
Yesterday at Starbucks there was a guy with a cartoonish voice. First I was alarmed, was he waiting to see how I was going to react? Is he in comm. arts classes doing a social experiment? The non-verbal communication class did this at my college. They would be awkward and stand too close and look at you, and then they would write about your reaction. Stupid classes, making everyone feel uncomfortable.
Basically I looked at him with an “I know what you’re up to” look. And then he looked at me weird! He definitely just had a terrible voice. Poor guy. He stood too close to me at the cream/ napkin area and when I wiped up the half and half that had been spilled, due to the typical Starbucks morning traffic (I always do this because I think spilled dairy is disgusting), he thanked me as if he worked there… that got me thinking…
I’m on Ellen! He is using a funny voice and I did something any normal nice human would do! I’M SO WINNING MONEY! I was all like, “Okay Amy and Andy, where are you!? You can come out now with my $100!” (Don’t worry; I didn't say it out loud.)
I walked out of Starbucks waiting for my waiver to sign so I could be on TV… Nothing happened. I was actually disappointed.
Moral of this story: I need to stop watching TV. Sometimes people are seriously awkward and it doesn't mean you are going to be on TV or that you are going to win money.
One of my favorite movies of all time is Troop Beverly Hills. Why? Because it is undeniably amazing. Let us go over a few reasons why it rocked then and continues to rock now. Shall we?
The best cinematic display of 1980s fashion!
They wrote a song called cookie time.
Tori Spelling was a Red Feather.
The Freddy.
Phyllis Nefler taught us all a lot of important lessons. For example, you can have a black belt in shopping, never get a perm, true friends will always be there for you when your parents forget your birthday, and most importantly, you can do anything you put your mind to and you can be fabulous doing it!
"Are you drying your nails or do you have a question?"
Thank you Phyllis Nefler!
Beverly Hills what a thrill! Beverly Hills what a thrill!!!
Random post today, but I am sure some of you are Troop Beverly Hills fans! If you have never seen it, I urge you to get your hands on a copy. You wont regret it!
So This is my first link-up EVER! I felt that it was only appropriate that my first link-up would be called "Back That Azz Up Friday.” Seriously. #backthatazzup
My selection for today’s backthatazzup Friday is (drumroll) … Slam Dunk (Da Funk) by 5ive!! or Five… Yeah, I don’t know. They have the numerical figure of the word they are trying to “spell” in their name, so that really makes them fiveive. It was a ploy at creativity or cleverness but it really didn't work out.
This song is from the days of watching Smart House on Disney Channel, but it made an appearance on a “pre-party” playlist in college at one point. I can’t for the life of me find it on my iTunes now, so it must have been someone else’s playlist. Either way, this song never fails to get me pumped up! It isn't a particularly jammin’ song… but it is just so amazing.
Please watch the video when they do the close ups. It is just so incredibly hilarious!
1.) What are they wearing!?
2.) I cannot for the life of me figure out who the “hot one” was. I know there was one and I think there was a consensus! Right? Help me! No wait, I think the hot one was the bad ass with the spiked hair wearing a windbreaker at the beginning… never thought I would type those words.
3.) The rap section
4.) The haircuts
5.) They took themselves SO seriously!
Okay, I don’t feel that it is appropriate for me to go beyond 5… for obvious reasons.
One of the guys looks like Spot from the Newsies, one looks like Justin from 98 Degrees and one looks like the host of Singled Out. Is it an illusion? Tell me!!
Enjoy your weekend and don’t forget to #backthatazzup!
Pretty Woman taught us that you don’t want to “turn tricks.” BUT General Mills taught us that "Trix are for kids."
Tricks vs. Trix
It just doesn't make sense. Didn't General Mills (not a real general btw) know that the word tricks/ trix had a different meaning? Did no one on their marketing team find it at all inappropriate?
So the rabbit was silly for thinking that he could have Trix. Duh, they were for kids. And oh my gosh, remember Trix Yogurt!? Gross. Google image search Trix Yogurt. Why our parents thought feeding neon colored yogurt to their children was okay is beyond me!
Okay n/m I’ll Google for you:
I really have nothing else to say. Or anything to say at all. I know this was super random. Except that it isn't! I'll let you in on how my mind works real quick. I thought of this because I heard "Kiss" by Prince on the radio, which of course sent my mind to think of Pretty Woman. It then spiraled quickly.
Moral of the story: Don’t turn tricks. Also, Trix are for kids… and probably terrible for you. So maybe we should all just stay away from both.
Pretty Woman on the other hand? It's good. Watch it.
So the “Kriss” of Kriss Kross died. Sad. I also would like to mention that somehow he stopped being a teenage boy and died at age 34… Soooo that is weird. I was pretty certain that he was still a pre-teen wearing backwards clothes.
This news has not rocked my life or anything, but it does make me sad. Kriss Kross provided a lot of awesome dancing times for all of us. And when I say dancing, I clearly mean jumping. Because even for the non-dancer peeps out there, you could fully participate in "Jump." Why? Because all you did was “jump-jump” with one arm in the air. It was a “we accept everyone” dance. You didn't need to be able to "Tootsie Roll," drop it like it was hot w/ Snoop or "Cha Cha slide" (and more specifically the Charlie Brown. Not that any of us knew what to do at that part). All you needed to do was jump! (Click on that Snoop link and get sad at how beautiful Pharrell Williams is. Beautiful and engaged.)
So today in honor of Chris Kelly AKA Kriss, let’s remember the lesson he taught us, accept all dancing levels on the dance floor.
Never forget: “Kriss Kross will make you, jump jump. Booooyaaaaa”
This is not to be confused with "Jump Around" by House of Pain. Another great jumping song! And probably more heavily played at school dances than "Jump." BUT we do not discriminate jumping songs on this blog.
RIP Kriss. I hope the heavenly cloud jumping is off the hook.
I am not old enough to have had the experience of waiting for my song to come on the radio and hit record as quickly as possible, just to ensure that my song was being recorded onto my cassette. Okay, maybe I did it once or twice. But just when I was in my (short lived) country phase. In hindsight, I am glad that I didn’t waste my “hard earned” allowance on country music CDs. Why? Because that means my money was instead spent on boy bands and trips on my bike to 7-11 or Dairy Queen. So much better.
Anywho, this post is about how I have officially lost the art of creating the perfect mix. I blame technology! And iTunes. And college. And terrorism (I just feel like terrorists should always be blamed).
My sister and I used to spend so many "homework hours" in high school illegally downloading music. Get off my back, you know you did it too! Napster was a thing. Remember? And at the time it wasn't illegal! Well… it might have been. Beyond the downloading, we also had an insane CD collection. It was the 4-per page book and it was amazing. I think it is still at my parents’ house! Now I am determined to find it. Anyway, because of our amazing music collection, we became artists when it came to creating the perfect seasonal mix. Oh gosh, and remember the importance of the sharpie art? Especially if it was going to a boy.
A perfect mix would of course have an appropriate rise and fall for your day:
- Starts off slow for the drive to school (3 songs)
- Awesome sing along jams for off campus lunch and car dancing with your gurls (4 songs)
- A medium song for the immediate post school wind-down
- A slow rise back up for pre-practice pump-up (3-4 songs)
These days with iTunes and even Spotify or Grooveshark, you can select an entire album and just “shuffle.” That is what I have been doing on my iTunes playlists for a while now… and I can honestly say that I have officially lost the art of the mix. It is gone. I take my most recent purchased albums and random songs and just hit shuffle.
At one time there were mix rules! I miss the rules. If you had new songs by a fave artist, you could only put a 3rd song by that artist if it was a classic. For example, if I was about to make a new mix that had some JT 20/20 on it, I could only put a third JT track on there if it is a classic (ala Cry Me a River). Do you catch my drift?
A mix by me would usually include some Britney. A mix by my sister would usually include some DMX Dr. Dre (My sister called after the post went up to correct me) or Biggie. She actively thought we lived in the hood. It was SW Portland, not the south side of Chicago Linds. BUT her hoodness did give her an uncharacteristic love of rap that carries through to today. Most people would be shocked to learn this fun fact. She comes off as so straight laced!
For a post with good playlists from someone who has not lost this art - visit Venus!
Alright folks, have a great Tuesday! Tomorrow is May. I hope you have all seen that ‘Nsync GIF. Okay, just in case: