Friday, October 05, 2012

Today is Friday!

In celebration of the impending weekend, I would like you to remember that anything is possible!
[Start watching at 0:13]

How much do you love Tom Haverford? It should be a lot.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Insta-ridiculous and apple picking.

This weekend I went apple picking with some fantastic old and new friends. We went to a place called Bell Farms out past Beaverton down Farmington road. The picking was obv awesome, but the best part came later. They let us use their cider press and It was so freak-yeah fun!

Here are the photos of the day, but that is not what this post is about. Keep reading!

How can you not do cartwheels in an orchard?

Cutting up the apples and pears for the cider!

Step 1: grind       Step 2: press cider

Blurry but awesome. Such an American day! 

When the day was done and Nicole and I were sitting on my couch this conversation ensued:

Me: Hmm. Which filter shall I use? Whoa, Nashville looks good! Nashville never looks good! I’m doin’ it.
Nicole: Nice!
Nicole: No seriously though, which of these looks better? I like Brannan. It makes the apples look better, but Valencia makes you look tan.
Me: Who do you care about more? Me? Or some stupid cut up apples!? Rude. Make me tan.

Victory. We could have been talking about serious things like life, but instead we talked about instagram like these were the most serious decisions we had ever made. Ridiculous.

It's an election year. You should all do something American like apple picking!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

It's a Blog Eat Blog World.

Or at least that is what they want you to think!

Thankfully there is a community of fellow blog writing, inter-web obsessed lunatics. I of course mean this in a loving way, as I am included in this category. It is a blast to be a part of a group of PDX bloggers. If you are interested in new friends (cyber and real) check out the site and join the blog list!

Anywho, I did a guest post over on the Portland Bloggers Blog! Check it out Here.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Open letter to Christina Aguilera.

Dear Christina,

You have an amazing voice. That is my first statement because your talent is outstanding and I want you to remember it as this letter continues.

Christina, I reflect on the days of "Genie in a Bottle" with fond memories. Time spent making up dances in the cul-de-sac on a hot summer day. Jumping on the trampoline and singing "Come on Over" at the top of my lungs. It was glorious.

Then you decided to be a Latin singer… before blossoming into X-Tina. At this time you also decided that clothes were optional, piercings were key to your look and thought spray tans were probably a good idea. Your songs on Stripped were dynamite, but something happened… were you confused? Trying to find "the real xtina”? I was confused too. But I did have a blast at the Stripped/Justified concert. I do wish you and Justin sang at least one song together though. I know it is weird, but that album reminds me of Christmas. My sister and I listened to that CD non-stop all winter, probably because every song was amazing. Personal fave: "Get mine, Get Yours."

After that, you somehow became linked to Target in my mind. Why is that? Back to Basics, Burlesque, that weird robot album… What!? You have the pipes! SING! That is all we want. I am a fan of you and your voice. I am going to speak for your fan base and tell you that good songs are the only thing we are looking for from you. We don’t need a new persona every few years. Just good pop music that is easy to belt to in the car.

I like you on The Voice. You are a sassy beez. You have a good dynamic with the other judges and it is fun to see you in a normal-ish environment. Although, your boobs are always out. You should tuck those girls in at least once a week... I promise they won't suffocate. Time for a new stylist maybe? I am excited for your new album! I have high hopes for what it may contain.

Remember Mickey Mouse Club? Me too.



Tuesday, September 25, 2012


This past weekend I went up to Lake Chelan, WA to celebrate the 26th birthday of one of my dearest friends. We have known each other since age 12, so yeah, we have celebrated a lot of birthdays together. And let me tell you, they just keep getting better! This celebration was no exception… we managed to get into some chelanigans! (That is a play on the word shenanigans. In case you don’t get it. It also happens to be the name of a bar in Chelan, but that is neither here nor there.)

The whole area was majorly smoky due to wildfires, but that didn’t extinguish our good time! (pun intended)

We spent most of the weekend laughing, snacking and wine tasting. You know that sounds like an awesome time! Don’t deny it.

Off we go! 


The Sassiest vineyard. Hard Row to Hoe

See how smoky it was!? 

Cheers from the birthday girl! 
Off to get my hair done! Oh sorry, did you think I was going to write about the NFL refs? Ha! I crack myself up.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Define crisp: fresh, brisk, clear.

Crisp mornings are here! It won’t be too long before we also have crunchy leaves to go with our crunchy Honeycrisp apples. Bust out the cozy sweaters, scarfs and boots. Let’s do this fall!

Fall Foliage! 

Truly the best apple in existence.

Nobody likes fall more than the guy represented below. I texted him to ask for the apple picture (above) that he posted on Insta. You guys, he has some big ideas for a fall post. I have honestly never met anyone so in love with the autumn season.

And I did write about him. Booya!

Happy almost weekend folks!
Oh, and I am LITERALLY eating a Honeycrisp right now. *not pictured above


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What are you looking for?

Apparently women in their 20's are always looking for one of three things: a job, an apartment or a boyfriend.

Maybe we should ask the professionals. Excuse me, Lena? 

Something about this doesn’t settle right. But as I think about my friends who have a steady beau, it does stand true. One had a boyfriend and a job but was actively looking for a new apt. and now that she signed a lease she is looking for a career move. My roommate seems to get a new job every 4-6 months!

If you have all three, does that mean you are simply biding your time and getting antsy for something new? Or are you just ahead of the curve? Remember, this loosely based non-scientific theory only applies to 20-somethings. If you are a 20-something with all of the above, hopefully it is the job or apartment you are shopping for.... but whatevs. I promise not to tell your boyfriend.

So really, what are we looking for? Why are we so anxious about the next thing?

I don't know where I heard or read this, but it wasn't an original idea. Not trying to plagiarize, just don't remember.

I guess I'm somewhat looking for one of those... You can guess which one. What about people who are looking for more than one!? Are they on a lower rung of life at that particular moment? I do recall a dark time where I was looking for all three. It sucked.

Lastly, I would like to encourage everyone to start saying “going steady.” We need to bring it back! It is such a lovely way of talking about ones relationship. It means that things have been steady! No turmoil. Oh, and when you are fighting things need to be “on the rocks.” We don’t simply want to know if you are together or not, inquiring minds need to know the exact status of that steady vs. rocky relationship.
